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Kit-Kat Rundown: Framboise

July 27, 2010

In America Kit-Kat usually comes in two flavors. Maybe three during a special promotion. In Japan the potential of the Kit-Kat has been truly unlocked! There are dozens upon dozens of flavors. At any one time you’ll see three or four flavors on the shelf with special seasonal and area specific ones doing the rounds. Ever since I’ve left Japan I still have people who will help me score a hit, but my local Japanese supermarket also carries several varieties.

The other day I did a little supermarket dance when I found the new Framboise flavor. Framboise is French for raspberry. It also happens to be a delicious Belgian lambic beer using fermented raspberries.

Now a lot of the Kit-Kat flavors are hit and miss. A particularly foul red bean flavor comes to mind.

Here is the cross section inside. Milk chocolate outside of course.

MMMMmmmmmmmm. Heading to the supermarket again! This might rival my all time fave of maple kit-kat.

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